Daily Archives: May 20, 2010

Well, here we are with the flying season starting to get into full swing. We have a lot of events coming up. We will be going on a little road trip on Wednesday, May 19 to the CARDS field for some casual flying. We will be meeting at the park & ride at I-96 & M-50 @ 3 PM. The more the merrier! We will be hosting the CARDS on Thursday May 27 at our field. June is going to be a busy month. There will be the CARDS warbird fly in, our Memorial fly-in, fun fly at Muncie & the airshow at Tramps in Traverse City.

Presidents Corner – May 2010

The meeting was called to order at 7pm sharp with 21 people present, including guest Tom Karupa.

The minutes from last month were approved first by Ed Bradley, then Ed Buck and everyone else.

The financial report from Dan McClaren was reviewed and accepted by Ron Ricketson, Al Simpson and everyone else. The report will be available on the website for logged-in members here...http://kentradioaeromodelers.com/2010/May/Financials

Meeting Minutes – May 4th 2010