Daily Archives: April 24, 2012


Hi all! Sorry for the tardiness of the monthly memos, I've been on vacation since the 16th and forgot to send something out. Our last club meeting was another non-meeting meeting, lacking only 2 people for a quarem. I'll be sending along some discussion notes from Dan soon. Our flying season is underway and the yearly event schedule has begun! The club has a handful of things for the upcoming month of May.

At the club meeting on May 1st, we will continue our discussion on a couple field rules regarding taxiing to/from the pits. If you have any thoughts on this, please bring them to the meeting! Some lucky fellow won a bottle of CA last month, who knows what's in the magic box this round! And don't forget to bring something to show off...we've had some very nice models brought in the last couple months! Thanks to everyone who brought something to show.

Prez Sez – April 2012