Air Combat Rules

Required Aircraft and Power System

  • Aircraft: FliteTest Bloody Baron or Bloody Brit
  • Motor: Emax GT2215/09
  • Prop: 9×6 APC style or 9×5 HQ
  • Battery: Must be a 3s lipo, 1800 to 2200mAh’s

Event Info

  • Points from each event will accumulate towards the season point’s total. Your lowest event score will be thrown out.
  • Entry Fee: $5
  • Streamers will be provided

Combat Rounds

  • Launch: 60 second window to plug in your battery and launch (no engagement allowed). At the end of this period the time keeper will call out “Start Combat”.
  • Combat/Duration: 5 minute periods. Points can only be scored during this period. Pilots must keep their aircraft near the center of the Combat Zone and at a reasonable distance away from the pilot line.
  • Restarts/Re-launches: If you fail to launch in the 60 second window you will not receive the launch on time or flew entire round points. If you launch and crash onto the runway during the 60 second window you may run out and grab your airplane and relaunch. If you have to land during an active combat round you may relaunch IF your aircraft lands on the main runway. You will not receive the flew the entire round points. If you successfully launch with in the 60 second window you will receive your launch points.
  • Landing: When the time keeper calls out “End Combat” all pilots may land on the runway. Once allairplanes have landed, pilots may retrieve their aircraft.
  • Midairs: If a midair happens and the airplane crashes, the pilot still earns the +20 continuous flight points. If the airplane(s) stay airborne they may exit the Combat Zone right or left to evaluate the flight worthiness of their airplane. Once flight worthiness is determined you must either land or re-engage in the Combat Zone.
  • Streamers: Streamers and string will be provided. Streamers will consist of 5/8” to 1” wide crepe paper27’ long attached to a 10’ of string. Everybody will bet black streamers except the top three from the previous event will get colored streamers (Red, Orange, and Pink).
  • Streamer Cuts/Kill: Anytime a pilot’s airplane removes part of a streamer attached to or being towedby another aircraft. Cutting a streamer that is being towed by an airplane will be scored as a cut. Multiple cuts on a streamer towed by an airplane on a single pass will be counted as one cut. Free floating streamers are not eligible for scoring.
  • Remaining Streamer Points: For remaining streamer points you must have launched on time. Remaining streamer points are only for your streamer. Any other streamer material attached to your airplane does not count for remaining streamer points.
  • Non Engagement: If a pilot is not actively pursuing other airplanes and/or flying their airplane away from the combat area shall receive a warning first then -25pts for the next two violations.
  • Safety Line: The north side of the mowed runway will be the safety line. It will extend to the east and west indefinitely. All combat will be to the north of this line.