July 7th 2020 Meeting Minutes


Minutes of the July 7, 2020 Meeting

Call to order at 7:00pm by President Gary Stephens

There were 13 members present

James Checkler was present as a guest

Review of the Minutes of the June 2, 2020 meeting

Motion to approve by: Lee Fredrickson

Seconded by: Dave Hills

Vote: Carried

The Financial Report presented by Gary Stephens. No discussion

Motion to accept by: Mark Schmaltz

Seconded by: Danny Osborn

Vote: Carried


New Members: Jeff Straus, Gordon Vogel and Tyler Wilcox

Old Business

Mike Murphy-Safety Message-Discussion centered around casual vs safe re the virus. Mike Murphy made a motion to have the east side of the shed be the casual side while the west side would be the safe side. Gordon Vogel seconded and the motion passed.

Jim Grant-2020 Swap Shop-At this time, the swap shop is still on. The ed has been submitted to AMA for publication. The raffle tickets were passed out to the members present. The remainder will be mailed 7/9/20.

Dave Hills-Maintenance Comments-Dave now has a shed key. He reported that the mowers and generator need an oil change. He also said that there are field repairs needed. Dave will make a list of the needed Fredrickson will set a work day.

Steve O’Connor-Nothing to report.

George Orphan-Promotional Video Follow-up-The video is complete and is about 3 ½ minutes. George played it on his cell phone for us. It was, obviously, hard to see and hear. The video is copyrighted. We need to get our webmaster to install it on our website.

New Business

Gary Stephens-Gary passed out the new pouches that hold our AMA Card for display on our person while at the flying field.

The two issues brought forward by our dairy farmer were discussed at length. An IMAC pilot practicing thinks he may have been the one who scared the calves. Name undisclosed. The person who drove on the alfalfa has also come forward. Name undisclosed.

Lee Fredrickson made a motion to up to $149.00 to buy a solar light for our American Flag. Seconded by George Orphan. Motion carried.

Lee Fredrickson presented $23.00 to our club from the most recent combat session.

Lee Fredrickson proposed that he would be responsible for emptying trash cans. Mike Murphy made a motion that trash cans be used at our field and that Lee Fredrickson be responsible for disposing of the bags. Seconded by Lee Fredrickson. Motion carried.

Alan Simpson discussed our WMAA students moving to other club fields. They feel they are being held to different rules as compared to our older members. Jim Grant will communicate with George Pavey and Matt Slobe to identify the real issue and try to resolve it.Gary’s notes from the KRAM July 7, 2020 meeting at the RC field

  1. Mike Murphy suggested a separation of flyers as to the sensitivity for the virus. Initially recommended that the younger student pilots fly on the west side of the field. After some discussion it was then decided that the pilots that are more sensitive to close contact, fly on the west side of the field, and all other pilots fly on the east side of the field.
  2. Jim Grant passed out raffle tickets. Collected money from a few members.
  3. David Hill will change the oil in the generator and lawn mowers the coming weekend.

David was also asked to create a work list that needed to be done to the field.

(fix signs, rutts in runway, garbage remove behind the building, remove old fabric)

The President will select a work day to perform this work and let others know.

  1. George Orphan – the club video is ready and needs to be put on the club website. George had the video on his laptop but it was hard to see. We also need the updated club rules and bylaws on the website. A suggestion was made to find a new club member to handle the website and come to the meetings to know what is needed. No one volunteered.
  2. Pouches for AMA cards and KRAM stickers were handed out.
  3. Tyler Wilcox submitted membership paperwork and dues payment for 2020.
  4. Issues with the dairy farm were discussed, no flying over the barns east of the field and no driving on the alfalfa field will be permitted.
  5. Lee made a motion that he be allowed to use the garbage cans and that he would dispose of the garbage when appropriate. Motion passed.
  6. American Flag at the field, Lee made a motion that it be allowed to fly the flag without a light until a light can be installed. Motion passed. (opposed pres & vice pres)
  7. Lee presented info on a solar light for the field flag.($145.) Info to be sent to the board.
  8. Reminder mentioned about the FAA registration renewal before Dec 2020.
  9. The IMAC event at the KRAM field is a GO for July 17-19.
  10. We will decide on a GO or NO-GO for other events like the club picnic at the next meeting.(Aug 4)
  11. Show and Tell – Tyler showed his Cosmic Wind racer.

Alan (cookie man) brought up that Matt and the students were flying at a new field south of Grand Rapids. They did not like the rule of the KRAM field closing at dark. He also said that they felt like they were not wanted. Alan was reminded that George Pevey was consulted about this issue and that he did not want students out after dark at our field. We suggested that Alan discuss the matter with George P. We also told Alan that is it the job of each board member to inform and enforce the club rules to all flyers at the KRAM field.

Gary Stephens-coming events

July 17-19 I MAC at the field- on schedule

August 8 KRAM Picnic- MAYBE

August 29 Night Fly- Gary to talk with Matt

Sept 12 Vets fly in and picnic- Dan to check

October 25 KRAM SWAP SHOP- still on-ad in American Modeler

Show and Tell-

Tyler Wilcox brought a very nice Lil Tony to show. It is red and, of course, very sleek as it is modeled after a real racing plane. Some of us saw it fly before the meeting. It is glow powered and fast. Tyler flew it very well.

Meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM