Meeting Minutes – January 5, 2016


Minutes of the January 5, 2016 Meeting


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by President Lee Frederickson

There were 18 members present with no guests.

Review of the Minutes of the December 1, 2015 meeting resulted in no additions, deletions, or corrections.

Motion to approve by:  Jim Heist

Seconded by:  Jim Grant

Vote: Carried

The Financial Report was given by Treasurer Dan McLaren. The rent is paid for 2016 and assuming membership remains about the same as last year we should be in good shape for 2016.

Motion to accept by:  Allen Simpson

Seconded by:  Danny Osborn

Vote: Carried


Dues for 2016 are $75.  Please send your check and Membership renewal form (copy attached to this memo or is available on the KRAM web site) to Treasurer Dan McLaren at 1058 San Lucia SE, East Grand Rapids, Mi. 49506.

Old Business

Danny Osborn reported the Swap Shop raffle plane was purchased. It is a Hanger9 ARF P51 with an OS 55AX engine and servos included.  Flyers are being completed now.

Lee thanked the outgoing board members for their service to the club – Dave Pierce, Ed Bradley, Nik Zinsli

Lee welcomed the new board members for 2016 – Vice President Danny Osborn, Safety Director Mike Murphy, and Web Master Brian Thomas.

New Business

Lee led a discussion about Lipo chargers and measuring IR (internal resistance).  After much discussion, three things were made clear.  First, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for charging and storing batteries.  Second, only expensive chargers have the capability to measure internal resistance. Third, the lower the internal resistance, the better the battery.  (Cheaper batteries usually have IR in the area of 6-8 while more expensive batteries have IR of 1-3.  As Dave Pierce said, you get what you pay for…)

Lee – AMA is still suggesting its members hold off registering with the FAA as the requirement is still being contested in the courts and AMA is still trying to negotiate our AMA number and membership could satisfy the FAA requirements.  More to come! (A lot of discussion about FAA and government intrusion, etc., but as Mike Murphy said “Lots of conversation – humorous but non-productive!)

Dave Kingma reported that the fruit basket delivery went well and the recipients were appreciative.


Lee led a discussion about the runway and possible ways to level it.  The final, affordable solution is to use farm dirt and fill the void under the mat during a work day in the spring…

Lee entertained a discussion about having portable safety barriers up next to the runway . After much discussion, Lee called for a vote in favor of moving the flight line closer to the runway.  Only 5 members were in favor of the proposal while 13 were against.  Thus the proposal is defeated.

Lee – coming events

Indoor Flying schedule for WMAA 1/16 from 9am to 1pm

Indoor Flying at Woodland Sports from 9:00am to noon on
Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Cost is $10 per day.

Chesaning Swap Meet – Feb. 14 – 9:00am to 2:00pm  See flyer at

Yours truly won $6 from the 50/50 drawing…


The next meeting is February 2, 2016 at 7:00pm at West Michigan Aviation Academy.

Meeting adjourned at 6:35 (so we could go see the high school kids fly their foamies in the gym during the basketball half time)

Motion by:  Allen Simpson

Seconded by:Jim Grant

Respectively Submitted,

Dan McLaren

Secretary / Treasurer