Meeting Minutes – July 5th 2011

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by President Mark Schmaltz.

There were 17 Members present.

In addition, there were two guests present – Jason Watson and Kyle Welfare.

Review of the Minutes of the June meeting had one correction, the flag donated to us was an Air Force flag, not Army.
        Motion to approve by: Ed Fowler
        Seconded by: Ed Buck
        Vote: carried

Financial Report:  Presented by Nikolei Zinsli.
        Motion to accept by:  Ed Buck
        Seconded by:  Ed Bradley
        Vote: carried

Dave Pierce wasn’t present for an update on the 28th St Metro Cruise display. But, there isn’t much to it. Bring your canopy, chairs and airplanes and enjoy the car show. You might also want to bring your micro planes or helis to play with in the parking lot. Any final details will be reviewed in the August meeting.

Mark then reported on the Memorial Fly-in. Because of the rain delay, the turnout wasn’t as big as it may have been. However, there were still plenty of planes there to put on a show. Everyone that attended had a good day of flying, and I don’t recall any crashes! Mark made a last minute decision to buy 3 large water cooler jugs for our drinks, as Danny’s were being used elsewhere that weekend. Now the club has our own and won’t need to worry about them in the future. Between the food and jugs expenses, and income from the auctioned items and free-will food donations…everything was covered with money and food to spare.

Danny Osborn reported that over $225 was raised from Jim Dodge’s donated items sold at the Memorial Fly-In. There are still some small engines and other miscellaneous items left. Contact Danny if interested.

George Orphan gave a brief update on the Swap Shop. The raffle plane is now in Riders and looks great hanging there. Send all your friends to buy tickets!

Lee Frederickson said all is in order for the Big Bird Sunset Salute coming this Wednesday the 13th. The event will start at around 4pm and go until dusk. Also, don’t be afraid to bring your smaller planes if you don’t have anything giant scale!

A discussion was made regarding Art Steenwyks’ patio roof that he is getting rid of. It would not be big enough to store the trailer and the mower, but a suggestion to sell the trailer was made. A motion to get the roof to the field was made and plans of what to do with it will be made later on was made by Allen Simpson, seconded by Ed Bradley and passed.

Mark made the callout for a replacement Safety Director for the remainder of the year (or until Jim is able to re-take the position) as Jim Peterson is still hospitalized. (Visitors are still encouraged to see him @ Butterworth room 6260.) Danny Osborn volunteered.

Mark also asked if anyone would like to take the Social Director position for the remainder of the term. Lee and Danny volunteered if Mark and Dave needed additional assistance. Thanks guys.

Nikolei made a quick note that the first $100 check from the ads on the web site has been received, and our second one should be on its way by fall. This is a free service, so every penny is profit for the club. To date, nearly $170 has been raised by your efforts to click the ads on the bottom of the site…keep it up!

The club picnic is on July 23rd. A volunteer sheet was passed around at the meeting, but please come early if you are able to give a hand. Setup is at 8am. Bring your family, bring your planes, bring your appetite!

No 50/50 this month.

Next meeting:  August 2nd, 2011 at 7:00pm at the field

Motion to adjourn:  7:30 pm
        Motion by: Allen Simpson
        Seconded by: Lee Frederickson