Presidents Corner – September 2010

We had a good meeting on Tuesday, although it was a tad windy! Thanks to all who braved the elements & came out to the field.

Since the last meeting, we have had the Mel Trotter Display, TAG & Veteran’s Fly-In. Mel Trotter & Tag went well, but the vet’s event, well, let’s just say I had all the best intentions when I decided to go ahead with it. Unfortunately, the rain decided to come in a few hours early & put a damper on the flying & cooking. Thanks to all who got wet & helped set up & tear down. BUT, we did have a silent auction of some of the items Bob Gezon donated to the club. Folks walked away with some pretty interesting stuff & the club drew about $560.00 for the coffers. Thanks so much to Danny, Jim & Ed for getting it all together. The remainder of the lot will be sold at the swap meet. I myself purchased a “Kloud King” old time plane that was built by none other than Bill Whitney. A nice bit of club history there.

Looks like the corn is going to be up for a while longer as it is going to silage. As of this writing, there is only one plane left to be found, guess who’s? I’ll give you a hint. His initials are Mark Schmaltz. Hope to find my beloved Radian soon.

Our next meeting will be October 5 at the high school. This is the meeting where we nominate our 2011 officers. Please keep in mind anybody you would like to nominate. The next few meetings are going be some important ones, so please attend if you can. Danny Osborn is doing his usual great job on the swap meet. Raffle tickets have been sent out, so you should have yours by now. It is very important that these be sold or bought by yourselves, as it is our biggest fundraiser of the year to off set the cost of our field lease. Danny also has a sign up sheet for volunteers to help out that day. Contact Danny or sign up at the October meeting.

Our last event of the year is a low-key fun-fly On Saturday, Sept. 25, 9 AM. These are always a hoot & stale donuts to boot!

That’s all I have for now, let’s enjoy some of this mild weather & go flying!

Keep Your Wings Level,
