Meeting Minutes – September 7th 2010

President Mark Schmaltz called the meeting to order at 6:58 pm.

A total of 23 club members were present.  No guests or visitors present.

The minutes for the August meeting were motioned for approval by Lee Frederickson and seconded by Ron Ricketson.  Motion carried with no changes.

The financial status of the club was presented by Dan McLaren.  The report was motioned for acceptance by Nik Zinsli and seconded be Dan Osborn.  Motion carried with no questions or discussion.


Mark commented on the Mel Trotter display for the 28th Street Cruise – fun to fly helicopters indoors…  Good event and based on comments during the day, it would be expected that we would be asked to do it again next year.

TAG day had a good turn out according to Mark and he has contacted District 7 for another possible write up in the AMA magazine like last year.  Thanks to all that helped out that day.

Mark reminded everyone that this Saturday, September 11, is the Veterans Fly In.  We are planning on some 200 people attending the event so anyone who can help set up or take down would be appreciated.  Set up starts at 8:00 and take down will probably be around 2:00pm.  Remember to bring a dish to pass for lunch!!!

Mark announced the final plan for the auction of the items donated to the club by Bob Gezon.  The plan is for a silent auction to be conducted at the field during the Veterans Fly In.

Dan Osborn reported that the raffle tickets have been mailed / delivered to all club members.  Now it is up to members to sell or buy the twelve tickets and get the stubs and money back to Dan as soon as possible (but no later than at the swap meet).

Mark acknowledged the donation of a grass trimmer to replace the club trimmer which, come to find out, has not worked for the past three years.  Thanks to Rob Bunting, we have working trimmer back on the mower trailer!  Thanks again Rob!!!

Mark reminded everyone of the safety discussion we had at the August meeting.  Allen Simpson reminded us that as a Gold Leader club we should be watching all aspects of the flying experience to be sure we are being safe.  That includes the sound levels.  Mark encouraged Allen to bring the sound meter out and take some readings and help those who may not be compliant recognize the improvement needed.


Mark reminded everyone that the October 5 meeting is at Kellogsville High School.  Also remember that this is the meeting where we begin the nomination process for next years club officers so be thinking about what office you might like to hold or nominate someone for…

Dan Osborn had a sign up sheet for the swap shop.  If you are able to help out, give Dan a call or just show up ready to work.  I believe we are targeting setting up at 6am…  Dan reported there are only two single wall tables left so if you need one, get to him quickly.

Dan Osborn reported there will be a club Fun Fly on Sept. 25.  Fun starts at 9:00 – donut drop, spot landing, climb and glide, etc. – just fun!

Mark announced that Tulip City and Port City both are having fun fly events in the coming weeks.  See the web for details.

Ken Nanzer announced that he will not be renewing his membership next year.  Even though he has enjoyed the hobby and the people and the club, he is moving on to other interests (fishing) that will be friendlier to his family budget (and taste better too!).  From all of us – best wishes Ken and stop by and say hi anytime you are in the area.

Bernie Despres noted that tattered condition our flag is in.  He offered to take it down at the end of the season and present it to the American Legion Post for proper disposal.  Likewise, he offered to follow through in the spring and buy a replacement flag.  Mark thanked him for volunteering and gave him the go ahead…

50 /50 drawing provided the club with $12 and Dan Osborn with $13.

Motion to adjourn was made by Lee Frederickson and seconded by Allen Simpson.  Motion carried at 8:25pm

Respectfully Submitted,
Dan McLaren
Secretary / Treasurer