Presidents Corner – December 2009

We had a great turnout for this month’s meeting, with standing room only.

We elected our new officers, and even convinced Bernie Despres to serve as social director with several members volunteering to help him out. It was also agreed to set out a donation can for food at the Memorial and Veterans fly in’s.

Mark Schmaltz will be our new President, Dan McLaren will be our new Secretary/Treasurer and Nikolei Zinsil will be our new webmaster and newsletter editor. He will be taking over sometime after December 15th, but there still may be a few days of interruption to get things changed over…

Lee Frederickson and Dan McLaren will be paying our field rental this month and Dave Kingma and Randy Bursley will be purchasing and delivering gift baskets to our neighbors.

We will be holding our swap meet on October 24th 2010. Entry fees and table rentals will remain the same and we will look into 3 or 4 proposals for a raffle prize.

Over the winter we will put the chairs at the field under the shelter and put the 2 picnic tables into the barn.

If you would like to be an AMA registered instructor, let Dan McLaren know so he can register you with the AMA and put you on the club instructor list.

Since the month of December is so busy for everyone, we passed on having a banquet during the busy time. But, Rozann Osborn has set up a Winter Banquet for January 30, 2010. Once again, it will be at Brann’s Restaurant on S. Division. Happy hour will be at 6:30 pm with Dinner at 7 Pm. Full details will be mailed out around the first of January with instructions for making reservations. The room only holds 70 – 75 people and any overflow will be placed in another small room…

REMEMBER, the due date for Club Dues is January 1st, AND you need to get them in ASAP if you plan to fly on New Year’s Day. If you do not have your 2010 AMA card by January 1st you cannot fly on or after New Year’s Day. We will be flying at 1 PM Friday (New Years Day) so come on out and join the fun.

ALSO, we discussed purchasing a 2.4 MHz Radio system for our green trainer, to free up the 72 MHz frequency when it is being used. We will also try to schedule training with any groups to avoid a backlog on busy nights.

The busy holiday season is upon us, and we are all busy shopping as well as trying to stay healthy and away from the H1N1 flu. Let’s take extra precautions this season. We hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and any of the other holidays that are celebrated at this time.

Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
