Location, Hours and Weather

8001 Wingeier Ave SE
Alto, MI 49302
N 42 degrees, 49.227 W 085 degrees, 21.376 (42.82073753261054,-85.3567636013031)
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Field Latitude 42.820678, Longitude –85.356699   or copy these values into map: 42.820678, -85.356699

Current KRAM Area Weather (GRR Airport) – National Weather Service) 

Current KRAM Area Weather (Bowne Township – Weather Channel)

Current KRAM Area Weather (Bowne Township) – Accuweather

Current KRAM Area Weather  (Ato / Wingier – Weather Underground)

Flying hours for powered flight at the field are: Electric powered aircraft are permitted Monday through Sunday from sunrise until sunset plus thirty minutes. Gas and glow powered aircraft are permitted Monday through Sunday from 9:00AM until sunset plus thirty minutes or 9:00PM, whichever is earlier.

There is no flying over or near the barns to the East of the field.